We need to talk about the Neck and Décolletage!! Many years ago we had a very polished and presentable lady come into our salon. She told us that she had spent YEARS looking after her skin: which was in terrific condition! But she told us that she looked like a Top Deck chocolate (beautiful and smooth up top and rough & lined and damaged on the bottom). For the amount of time, energy, product and service she had concentrated on her face- she hadn’t given her Neck & Décolletage the same consideration. So we are asking you the question Do you?? Studies indicate that the reason the Neck & Décolletage age quicker than the rest of our skin is *We don’t use our products the way we should **Gravity. Unfortunately, from the moment we're born, our neck and all of its structures are subject to descent from the force of gravity ***Sun Exposure as far too many people tend to under-treat our neck area when applying sunscreen."
Here are 5 Helpful Hints to keep your Neck & Décolletage as fresh and young
as the skin on your face:
