Many of you have now met Lisa May and are as thrilled as we are to have her on our team.
What you might not realise with her confident and relaxed approach
is that Lisa May was one of the many people in our State who was in the middle of a training course in the middle of a global pandemic!!! Very tough time to complete a Diploma.
Whilst that is all said and done NOW, Lisa still has some services that she would like to get quicker and be more "YVB" with! Sugaring is one of these services.
Before we launch into the busiest times of the year for hair removal,
Lisa May is looking for an opportunity to become more fluent with her sugaring……
So Lisa May is offering 20% OFF the full price of any Sugar service for the entire month of August!
If you are already booked with Lisa, the discount will automatically be applied.
If you haven’t yet booked your sugar service click below and request
Lisa May as your August Sugaring Therapist!